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questions :Wang Yongsheng Oil Painting Exhibition Introduction
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Category :[People][Cultural figures][Art][Painting]
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[Member (黑面书生)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2016-02-09
Wang Yongsheng ink painting, ink and very dare composition, drawing painting, photographic ﹑ calligraphy and other artistic language, into a rich social life and perception of thinking, both traditional literati freehand painting tradition, and contemporary forms of exploration, people a new eyes.

Mr. Wang Yongsheng ink paintings focusing on creating a mood, his paintings have his philosophy ﹑ literary skills: some expressed a land of mountains clouds Yunfei ﹑ ﹑ ﹑ westerly sun trees and moon mood; some reflects the contradictory movement ﹑ Opposites ﹑ celestial cosmic meaning; some also showed all competition ﹑ Heaven Nature. His paintings, the artist also express the pitch mountains ﹑ ﹑ cosmic fugue think of this ancient ﹑ pick literati feelings of compassion.

Wang Yongsheng, who Changzhi City, Shanxi Province. Childhood like art theater, literature and history-loving philosophy, adhere to the ink painting for many years, in recent years, style mutation. His ink painting, traditional ink-based, combines ﹑ gouache painting techniques, the ﹑ abstract impressionist painting with Chinese ink rendering unique freehand ink ﹑ Smart combined with novel ink and language forms, create Some unique mood ﹑ rich connotation ink masterpiece.

There are solemn mystery of Mount Everest ﹑ hazy gentle river tree mountain ﹑ ﹑ ink full moon, trees and pieces of metal like liquid light scattered sun ﹑ dry ink painting on a couple of strokes, which are a very new language to show ink painter like heart the painting caused great interest of the audience.

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