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questions :ellingham diagram is what?
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[Member (黑面书生)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2016-05-17
Figure Richardson also called Ellingham - Richardson diagram that represents the free energy of elements in liquid iron oxide (1% by weight solution is a standard state) versus temperature.

For comparison, a standard 1mol O2 is depicted. Clearly, the three regions divided into two categories. Upper zone and the lower zone has a range of less than approximately parallel to a line 7, they form a class. The area, in addition to a range of 7 approximately parallel lines, but also contains a negative slope of the line 7 carbon, which forms another category. 7 lines of carbon and other elements of the line 7 intersect, the intersection of two elements namely the temperature in the oxidation sequence direction change in temperature, the reaction is called two transition temperature. The first part discusses the theoretical study of the concept of transition temperature and its application in the metallurgical industry, the second part of the discussion balance multiple reactions. Thermodynamics of conceptual elements transition temperature oxidation of 7 lines noted low 7- line position of the element prior to the high position of the element oxide. Aluminum and silicon in liquid iron at the same time meet with O2, aluminum silicon lower than the 7 line, it overrides the silicon oxidation.


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