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questions :Covalent compound which is electrolysis what is?
Visitor (47.11.*.*)
Category :[Technology][Chemical Energy]
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[Member (365WT)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2017-02-25
(Such as CO2, ClO2, B2H6, BF3, NCl3, etc.) and most organic compounds belong to the covalent compounds (such as CO2), and the compounds formed by the combination of atoms of different nonmetallic elements In the covalent compounds, there are generally independent molecules (nominally molecular formula). Usually the melting point of the covalent compound, low boiling point, insoluble in water, non-conductive in the molten state, the hardness is small. Some ionic compounds For example, the NaOH molecule has both ionic and covalent bonds, covalently bonded to the finite molecule (ie, the covalent compound molecule), and by the intermolecular van der Waals force and condensed into The crystals are typical of molecular crystals such as CO2 crystals, benzene crystals, and the like.The crystals formed by covalently bonded infinite molecules belong to covalent crystals or atomic crystals, which are crystals formed by covalent bonding of atoms at the position of the matrix, such as diamond crystals, monocrystalline silicon and silica SiO2) crystals..
Non-conductive in molten state


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