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questions :What is stereographic projections?
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All answers [ 1 ]
[Member (365WT)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2017-04-07
As imaging technology continues to grow, pixels are getting higher and higher, and we can see clearer, brighter, more colorful videos and graphics on larger screens, but they always have a limit that they are two-dimensional. The real world is not just a simple flat image, but a three-dimensional three-dimensional depth of view, which is a sub-function of the retina's inconsistency (or a slight shift in the position of a subject). So if you want to design a stereoscopic projection system, it must simulate the parallax of the retina when the person is watching the object. This feeling implies that we see the real (or almost real), rather than the plane 2 Dimensional.Two - channel stereoscopic projection schematic.
Time division
Mainly to LCD glasses
Complementary color
Red and blue, red and green three-dimensional glasses
Active projection and passive projection


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