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questions :What is 1somalto—oligosaeeharides?
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Category :[Natural][Other]
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All answers [ 1 ]
[Member (365WT)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2017-08-08
Triclosan oligosaccharides, isomeric oligosaccharides, isomeric oligosaccharides Sugar is different from the isomaltooligosaccharide molecules containing α-1,6 glycosidic bonds, mainly including isomaltose, Pan sugar and isomaltotriose and other oligosaccharides in nature as its amylopectin or polysaccharide composition In some fermented foods such as soy sauce, rice wine only a small amount of its existence due to its body can promote the proliferation of Bifidobacterium, water-soluble dietary fiber function, low calorific value, anti-caries and other characteristics, it is kind of application Wide range of functional oligosaccharides, the current market isomaltooligosaccharides products are mainly established health care such as health care products..
Slightly sweet
White powder


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