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questions :What is organizational learning?
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[Member (365WT)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2017-12-15
The various actions that organizations have taken to address information and knowledge and skills in order to achieve their development goals and enhance their core competencies. Organizations are constantly engaged in changing or redesigning themselves to adapt to a constantly changing environment. Since the 1980s, The concept of learning In the nineties of the nineteenth century, the study of organizational learning has been from the psychological, political, economic, social and cultural aspects of research and discussion.Study on organizational learning awareness has been seen as the formation of the future An important factor in the company's core competitiveness.The mechanism of this learning lies in whether the organization can improve its product, technology and management innovation through learning, form new special resources, and then make effective use of such resources to form the core competitiveness of the company..
Achieve development goals and improve core competitiveness
Personal learning, team learning, organizational learning and more
Types of
Single-loop learning and double-loop learning
Learning preparation, information exchange and so on


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