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questions :Social causes of french revolution
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All answers [ 3 ]
[Member (365WT)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2018-11-14
First, the sharp class opposition before the revolution.

Second, the contradiction between the development of capitalism and feudal autocracy. (root cause)

Third, the financial crisis has intensified.

In summary, the feudal dynasties of the late 18th century have already experienced a comprehensive crisis in terms of political, economic and social consciousness. Authoritarian rule has become an obstacle to the development of French society. The ruling crisis of the feudal dynasty made it irretrievably into a desperate situation, which not only weakened its ruling power, but also created conditions for the French bourgeoisie to enter the historical arena.
[Visitor (37.212.*.*)]answers [Belarusian ]Time :2018-11-12
what yakabinskaya dictatorship
[Member (365WT)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2018-03-19
The fundamental reason is that the feudal dictatorship of the Bourbons severely hindered the development of French capitalism. Learning this content can first review the revolutionary causes of the United Kingdom and the United States, and from this we can summarize the laws. The basic reason for understanding the early bourgeois revolution is that backward production relations hinder the development of advanced productive forces. In the late 18th century, the capitalist economy in France has been greatly developed, but France is still a typical feudal autocratic country. There is a sharp contradiction between autocracy and capitalist development.

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