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questions :History of Frank Lloyad wright
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[Member (365WT)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2018-04-16
Wright was born on June 8, 1867 at the Richland Center in Wisconsin, USA. His father, William Cary Wright, was a musician and missionary. His mother, Anna Lloyd Jones, was from a Welsh family near Spring Green, Wisconsin. A teacher; Wright has two sisters, Jane (born 1869) and Maginel (born 1877).
In 1886, Wright entered the University of Wisconsin-Madison to study architecture. He took into consideration the architectural market that Chicago would lose after graduating four years too long. He studied basic architectural foundations at school in Chicago. After the course (when Wright said that he had dropped out of school for 3 weeks because of limited data, the length of the exam was not available, and the conservative view was less than two semesters). Wright was aided by his mother and went to Chicago in 1887 to find a job in 1887- Worked in several architectural firms in 1893. Draws abilities for his outstanding architectural renderings (performance and forecasting). In 1889, 23-year-old Wright was assigned to Adler & Sullivan Architects (Dankmar) by Louis Sullivan. Adler, (1844.7.3 – 1900.4.16) Established in cooperation with Louis Sullivan), working under the banner of the father of skyscraper Louis Sullivan (1856.9.3-1924.4.14), was dubbed "A pencil of Louis Sullivan". Worked independently with some of the other drafters in Sullivan's hands; during the marriage of his first wife in 1889, he had six children. In 1909, he fell in love with a customer's wife and separated from his first wife. In the same year, Wright travelled to Europe and Japan to escape the accusations from various sectors of society. On April 9, 1959, Wright died in Phoenix (Phoenix) and was buried in East Tarielsen, Pringling, Wisconsin, USA. ..
In the construction industry, Wright re-interprets the tradition, attaches importance to environmental factors, emphasizes modern industrial materials, especially the use of reinforced concrete, and a series of new technologies (such as the use of air conditioning). It provided an exploration, non-academic and non-traditional model for future designers. His design method has also become an important reference for future exploration.

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