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questions :Wedding march
Visitor (212.58.*.*)[Georgian ]
Category :[Art][Music]
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[Member (365WT)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2018-05-19
There are two famous "Wedding March". A prelude to the fifth act of Mendelsohn's prelude to "A Midsummer Night's Dream", and a mixed chorus "Wedding Cantata" at the beginning of the third act of Wagner's opera "Rong Green". It is often used as wedding music. Named "Wedding March", it was later adapted to orchestral music. The former is cheerful and the latter is solemn and solemn. According to Western traditions, the bride will play Wagner’s “Wedding March” when he enters the court. When the new man steps out of the church, he will play Mendelssohn's "Wedding March."

    Creative time

    In 1842

    The author



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