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questions :What is metadata? Describe it's type based on their roles in an electronic environment?
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[Member (365WT)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2018-06-08
Also known as media data, relay data, data about the data (data about data), mainly describes the data property (property) information, used to support such functions as indicating the storage location, historical data, resource search, file records, etc. Metadata is an electronic catalog. To achieve the purpose of cataloging, the content or characteristics of the data must be described and collected, and the purpose of assisting in the retrieval of data must be achieved..The Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) is an application of metadata. It was created in February 1995 by the International Library Computer Center (OCLC) and the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA). The co-sponsored seminar was inviting 52 people from librarians and computer experts to jointly develop specifications and create a set of features that describe the electronic documents on the network..
Metadata is information about the organization of data, data fields, and their relationships. In short, metadata is data about data.


    Self-describing, design


    Identify, evaluate and track resources for effective management


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