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questions :What are designers?
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Category :[Art][Arts and Crafts][Artists]
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[Member (365WT)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2018-06-16
Designers are a generic term for people who design things. It is usually a person who creates or provides creative work in a specific area of ​​expertise and engages art and business. These people usually use paintings or other various ways to express their work or works visually.

Design is divided into graphic design, space design, industrial design, jewelry design, game design, furniture design, architectural design, interior design, landscape design, fashion design, web design, system design, theater design, animation design, brand design, design 3D designers, magazine cover designers, packaging designers, image designers and other fields.


    People who design things

Art design, graphic design, interior design, etc.

    Presentation form

    Drawing or any other visually transmitted way


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