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questions :Who is carnation?
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[Member (365WT)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2018-06-21
Carnation, known as carnation, also known as lion head carnation, carnation, dianthus caryophyllus, Dianthus caryophyllus, is a plant of the carnation family Dianthus, perennial herb, clustered, hairless all milk green. Stem upright, 30-60 cm high, sparsely in the upper part Branches. Leaves long, greenish-brown, 5-veined, with prominent midribs, apex long and acuminate, bases shortly sheathed to enclose the branches, flowers solitary, or cyanobacterial, brightly colored and aromatic, with rose color , purple, white all kinds of flowers; under the armor there are 4 small bracts, rhomboid ovate, apex short-tip, length is about 1/4 of the concision; 萼 concise apex 5-cleft, tooth triangular, margin membranous; petals 5, obovate, apex serrate lobed, base hairy. Capsule oblong.Native to southern Europe, widely cultivated in China, it is a common ornamental plant. Since 1907, pink carnations have been used as a symbol of Mother's Day. Therefore, it is often used as a flower for mothers. Pure natural carnations are produced in Yunnan's alpine regions. , more than 3,000 meters above sea level, without any impurities, with spleen and lungs, solid kidney essence, governance, consumptive, cough, diabetes and other functions. is a good gift to friends and relatives..
Latin name

    Dianthus caryophyllus


    Carnations, carnations, carnations, carnations













    distribution area

    Temperate Europe and Fujian, Hubei, etc. in Mainland China


    Eukaryotic domain


    White, pink, red, yellow


    Potted plants



    Flower size


    Flowering period


    Origin of the name

    The original species' color is "flesh color", derived from Latin carnatio and English carnationflower (flower with crown)

    place of origin

    Southern Europe, the northern coast of the Mediterranean, France to Greece



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