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questions :Nature of individual differences
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[Member (365WT)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2018-08-07
Individual difference study
The emphasis and research on individual differences in modern times stems from the laboratory identification of individual differences by physiologists and psychologists. In 1879, with the establishment of the first laboratory by the psychologist Vonte, psychologists, when studying the common features of human behavior, found that the response to each other was often different for the same stimulus. At first, it was thought that this was caused by the error of the experiment itself, but after a long period of experimentation, it was finally found that the difference was not related to the error, but was caused by the difference between the subjects. With this discovery, the study of individual differences has attracted people's attention. Subsequently, Galton, Cartel, Sandeck, Binet, Stern and others have conducted a lot of research on individual differences.
Since the 1950s, the study of individual differences has gradually been replaced by sex research. Aptitude is the pre-advantage or suitability of behavior in a particular situation. It includes both ability and personality. It includes both intention and emotion, but also implies the characteristics of the interaction between the individual and the environment. Therefore, It is of great importance in many fields of education, teaching, and social decision-making and planning, and has received widespread attention. In particular, the pioneering research of Kronbach and Snow has made it closely related to teaching. Until now, it is still one of the important areas in the study of individual differences and even in the study of teaching theory.
In the 1960s, research on motivation was increasingly rich and deep, further revealing the roots of human behavior diversification. Motivation theory shows that because people's needs are different, different motives are generated, which leads to different behaviors, and different behaviors in turn strengthen different motives. This cycle has further consolidated and expanded the differences between individuals. The significance of motivation research is that it leads the study of individual differences from simple psychological differences to social differences, from micro-individual differences to macro-individual differences.
In the early 1970s, the rise of metacognitive research pushed the study of individual differences to a new level. In 1976, Flawell defined the metacognition clearly and systematically in the book Cognitive Development. Discourse: "meta-cognition is the cognition of cognitive subjects on their own psychological state, ability, task objectives, cognitive strategies, etc. It is based on cognitive processes and cognitive outcomes, with the adjustment of cognitive activities. Monitoring the perception of external performance "is actually "human self-awareness, self-control and self-regulation".Metacognition is of great significance in the development of individuals. Therefore, it is very valuable for better explaining the formation and development of individual differences and the differences in student learning, thus greatly deepening and perfecting the study of individual differences. ..
Since the 1990s, with the development of science and technology and the trend of deepening and comprehensive research in various disciplines, the research on individual differences has been further microscopic and integrated. The former, such as the individual self-efficacy, information processing mode, cognitive mode, etc., has emerged in large numbers. The latter, for example, many studies explain the individual's individual from the perspective of environment and human interaction by emphasizing the unity of intelligence and non-intellectual factors. The formation and development of differences.

In recent years, the study of individual differences is still a hot issue in psychology and pedagogy. Individual differences in learning styles, internal motivations, and cognitive styles have gradually received attention.

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