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questions :Structure of transmission electron microscope
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Category :[Technology][Other]
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[Member (365WT)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2018-08-10
The overall working principle of TEM is that the electron beam emitted by the electron gun passes through the condensing mirror along the optical axis of the mirror in the vacuum channel, and is concentrated by a condensing mirror into a sharp, bright and uniform spot, which is irradiated in the sample chamber. On the sample; the electron beam after passing through the sample carries the structural information inside the sample, the amount of electrons transmitted through the dense portion of the sample is small, and the amount of electrons transmitted through the sparse portion is large; after the convergence of the objective lens and the primary amplification, The electron beam enters the lower intermediate lens and the first and second projection mirrors for comprehensive magnification imaging, and finally the enlarged electronic image is projected on the fluorescent screen in the observation room; the fluorescent screen converts the electronic image into visible light image for the user to observe..This section will introduce the main structure and principle in each system..


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