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questions :Where is Hanjiang?
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All answers [ 1 ]
[Member (365WT)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2018-10-09
One of the most important rivers on the southeast coast of China. It is called the Jiang River, the evil river, and later called the Exi. The Hanjiang River Basin covers 22 cities and counties in Guangdong, Fujian and Jiangxi provinces. The drainage area is 30,112 square kilometers. Jiang and Tingjiang merged, Meijiang is the mainstream, originating from Shangfeng, Zijin County, Guangdong Province, flowing from southwest to northeast through the cities and counties of Wuhua, Xingning, Meixian, Meizhou and Taipu in Guangdong Province, in Sanhe The dam merges with Tingjiang; Tingjiang originates from Laijia Mountain in Ninghua County, Fujian Province, and flows from north to south through Changting, Wuping, Shanghang, Yongding and other counties in Fujian Province and Dapu County in Guangdong Province..After the convergence of Mei and Tingjiang Rivers, it was called Hanjiang. It flows from north to south through Fengshun and Chao'an counties in Guangdong Province, and enters the Hanjiang Delta River network area in Huzhou City. It flows through the cities of Chenghai and Shantou in the east, west and north streams. Injected into the South China Sea. With the Meijiang River as the source, the total length of the main stream is 470km..
Total length of the main stream

    470 km

    Main flow elevation

    20 meters to 1500 meters above sea level

    Drainage area

    30,112 square kilometers

    Limit flow value

    13,300 cubic meters per second


    Chaoshan dialect

    Historical name

    Tang Dynasty

    汛 period

    4~9 months

    Historical source

    In honor of Han Yu, renamed Han Jiang

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