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questions :Horse shoe kidney with chstitis
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[Member (365WT)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2018-10-09
Cholecystitis is a relatively common disease with a high incidence. According to its clinical manifestations and clinical experience, it can be divided into two types, acute and chronic, often combined with cholelithiasis. Acute pain or cramping in the right upper abdomen, mostly caused by stones or parasitic incarceration, obstruction of the gallbladder neck caused by acute cholecystitis, pain often sudden, very intense, or cramping. In the non-obstructive acute cholecystitis of the cystic duct, the pain in the right upper quadrant is generally not severe, and it is mostly persistent pain. As the gallbladder inflammation progresses, the pain can be aggravated and the pain is radioactive. The most common radiation site is the right shoulder and Right lower tibia and lower corners.

    Affiliated department

    Internal Medicine - Gastroenterology

    Incidence site


    The main symptoms

    Main cause

    Bacterial infection, chemical stimulation of bile

    Multiple groups

    Obese women with multiple pregnancies



    Whether to enter medical insurance


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