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questions :Entamoeba histolitica
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[Member (365WT)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2018-10-10
The amebic genus of the amoeba belonging to the amoeba. In the past, it was thought that E. histolytica generally co-inhabits in the host colon, only invading the intestinal wall under certain conditions or from the bloodstream to other organs and causing disease. In 1928, Brumpt suggested that there are two species of Amoeba in the lytic tissue, one of which can cause amebiasis, while the other is similar to the morphology of Amoeba in the lytic tissue, with the same life history, but no disease. Sex, and named Despane Amoeba. What causes amebiasis is E. histolytica, while Despana amoeba is not pathogenic.


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