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questions :Defination of nervous tissue
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[Member (365WT)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2018-10-13
Nerve tissue is one of the basic tissues of humans and higher animals, and is the main component of the nervous system. Neural tissue is composed of neurons (ie, nerve cells) and glial cells. Neurons are the main components in nervous tissues. The function of receiving stimulation and conduction is also the basic functional unit of nerve activity. Glial plays a supporting, protective and nutrient role in nerve tissue. Human nerve tissue is mainly composed of nerve cells. Neurons are also called neurons, including cells. Both body and protuberance. Generally, each neuron has a long axon with few branches, and several short dendrites with dendritic branches. The protrusion of neurons is also called nerve fiber..The tiny branches at the ends of the nerve fibers are called nerve endings and are distributed to the tissues that are innervated. The neurons are stimulated to produce excitability and can excite the nerve fibers..


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