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questions :Principle of remuneration personnel meaning
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[Member (365WT)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2018-10-22
How to design the salary ratio of salary design
Salary design is nothing more than fixed wages floating wages, while fixed wages are generally expressed as basic wages. Floating wages are generally expressed as performance wages. The basis of salary design is mainly the 3P advocated by Mercer. What percentage of basic wages and performance wages? In accordance with the characteristics of each company's business and development stage, corporate culture, and talent type.
Generally can refer to:
Ordinary employees: basic salary and performance bonuses are 80% and 20%;
Middle-level management: basic salary and performance bonuses are 70% and 30%~60% and 40%;
Senior management: basic salary and performance bonuses are 60% and 40%~40% and 60%;
Sales staff: The grassroots ratio is more than 60% than the performance salary (commissions, bonuses, etc.), and the ratio of middle-level and high-level performance pay is lower.
Technician: Basic salary performance salary project bonus. Generally, the basic salary ratio of the first two is larger, and the latter is larger.


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