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questions :Definition of siloids
Visitor (200.113.*.*)[Haitian Creole ]
Category :[Technology][Other]
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All answers [ 2 ]
[Visitor (200.113.*.*)]answers [Haitian Creole ]Time :2024-04-13
Definition of silos
[Member (365WT)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2018-10-22
Siliceous rock refers to several silica minerals or sedimentary rocks, metamorphic rocks or metamorphic rocks composed of one of quartz, opal, chalcedony and jasper. Siliceous rocks include diatomite, quartzite, vermiculite slate, powdered quartzite, and protein kaolinite, also known as chertite. The main mineral components of siliceous rocks are authigenic quartz, chalcedony and opal. Siliceous rocks are divided into three categories: 1 biosilicite, 2 chemical siliceous rocks, and 3 tuffaceous siliceous rocks.


    Sedimentary rock

    Also called



    Grinding raw materials and siliceous refractories


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