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questions :evolution of educational technology
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[Member (365WT)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2018-10-25
The education technology in the United States is the earliest, the development context is clear and complete, and it has the greatest influence in the world. Other countries such as Japan, Britain, Canada and other countries use the American educational technology theory model for reference. The United Kingdom and the United States can be used as the typical history of research and education technology development. Representative. The formation and development of American educational technology can be traced from three aspects: First, the audio-visual teaching movement promotes the use of various learning resources in teaching; second, individualized teaching promotes learner-centered individualized teaching. Forming; Third, the development of teaching system method promotes the core of educational technology theory--the birth of teaching design discipline.The origins of these three aspects of development are different, but they all follow the development track of "Visual Teaching - Audiovisual Teaching - Audiovisual Communication - Educational Technology"..
Visual education

The earliest use of visual education terminology was a publishing company in Pennsylvania, USA. In 1906, it published a book on how to take photos, how to make and use slides, and the title is Visual Education. In 1923, the American Education Association established a visual education branch.

Audiovisual education
In the latter half of the 1930s, radio broadcasts, audio films, and tape recorders were used in education. People felt that the name of visual education could not summarize the existing practices and began to use the terminology of audiovisual education in the article. In 1947, the Visual Education Branch of the American Education Association was renamed the Audiovisual Teaching Branch. Among the many studies on audiovisual education, what is representative is the audiovisual method in teaching by E. Dale in 1946. The "Tower of Experience" theory proposed in the book became the main theoretical basis for audiovisual education at that time and later.

Audiovisual communication
In 1960, the American Audiovisual Education Association formed a special committee to discuss what is audiovisual education. In February 1963, the committee presented a report recommending that the name of audio-visual education be changed to audio-visual communication and a detailed explanation was given. In addition, many articles and writings on audiovisual education tend to adopt communication as the theoretical basis of audiovisual education.

Educational technology

China's discussion on the definition of educational technology is quite rich. The "Electrical Education in China" and "Electrical Education Research" magazine published papers on the definition of educational technology in almost all important scholars in China.
Due to the development of media technology and the extension of theoretical concepts, the international education community deeply felt that the name of the original audio-visual education could not represent the practice and research in this field. On June 25, 1970, the American Audiovisual Education Association was renamed as Education Communication and Technology. Association (AECT). In 1972, the association officially named its field of practice and research as educational technology.
After the name of the educational technology was determined, people began to explore its definition. In 1970, the Education Technical Committee of a professional advisory body of the US government stated in a report to the editor-in-chief and the parliament: "Educational technology is based on specific goals, based on research on human learning and communication, and the use of human and non-human The combination of resources, which promotes the teaching of a more effective system of design, implementation, and evaluation of the entire process of learning and teaching."

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