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questions :The 1992 Olympic Games
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[Member (365WT)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2018-11-16
The 25th Olympic Games is the 1992 Barcelona Olympics. The mascot of this Olympic Games is an animal like a goat and a dog, named Cobi. The theme song "Barcelona" was popular all over the world when the 1992 Olympic Games had not yet opened. The slogan of this Olympic Games is: "Friends forever." This slogan not only emphasizes the eternal theme of friendship and peace in the Olympic spirit, but also expresses the common aspirations and voices of the people of the world. The Barcelona Olympic Games will remain as a witness and memorial to peace and friendship forever in the history of the Olympic Movement. in. All members of the International Olympic Committee participated in the Olympic Games. A total of 169 athletes from various countries and regions attended the Games and produced 815 medals.
Main stadium

    Mozuxi Olympic Stadium

    Country of participation


    Number of participants



    friends forever

    theme song


    Number of media


    Hosting place

    Barcelona, ​​the capital of Catalonia, Spain





    Last session

    Seoul Olympics in 1988


    28 major items 257 items

    Number of volunteers



    1996 Atlanta Olympics

    Holding time

    July 25 - August 9, 1992

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