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questions :What is telechelic?
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All answers [ 1 ]
[Member (365WT)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2018-11-22
1 Telechelic polymer is also known as "telechelic polymer". An oligomer having a reactive functional group at both ends of the molecular chain. Because the active group in the molecule is like two claws occupying the two ends of the chain, hence the name. Its molecular weight is not high, it is liquid, and it can be processed or injection-molded during processing, and finally becomes a high molecular weight polymer by cross-linking of active end groups or elongation of chains.

2 Telechelic polymer is a liquid polymer with reactive functional groups at both ends of the molecule. It can be used as liquid rubber, paint, adhesive, sealant, etc. Finally, through the interaction of active end groups, chain extension or crossover A high molecular weight polymer.


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