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Category :[History][World History][Historical period][Historical events]
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[Member (365WT)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2019-01-23
Athens "emergency event"
At 9:00 am on November 2, 1989, the atmospheric quality monitoring station in the center of Athens, Greece, showed that the carbon dioxide concentration in the air was 318 mg/m3, which exceeded the national standard (200 mg/m3) by 59%, and a red danger signal was issued. At 11 o'clock, the concentration rose to 604 mg / m3, exceeding the 500 mg / m3 emergency hazard line. The central government immediately announced that Athens entered a "emergency state", prohibiting all private cars from driving in the city center, restricting taxis and motorcycles, and Extinguish all fuel boilers, the main factory cuts fuel consumption by 50%, and the school will suspend classes. At noon, the carbon dioxide concentration will increase to 631 mg/m3, exceeding the historical record. The carbon monoxide concentration also broke the dangerous line..Many citizens have symptoms of poisoning such as headache, fatigue, vomiting, and difficulty in breathing. The whistling sound of ambulances sounded everywhere in the city. At 16:30 in the afternoon, the cycling team wearing gas masks marched on the street and shouted "To be polluted." Still want us!" "Please put a filter on the exhaust pipe!"...


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