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questions :1976 montreal olympics
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Category :[Sports][Olympic Games]
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[Member (365WT)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2019-02-13
The 21st Summer Olympic Games were held in Montreal, Canada on the St. Lawrence River. Because the sports meeting was resisted by African countries, the scale was far less than the previous one. In the final competition, there were 92 countries and regions, which produced a total of 613 gold medals. This Olympic flame relay took a different approach from the past. The fire was ignited in Olympia. After passing to Athens, it was transmitted to Ottawa, the capital of Canada, by satellite. Then it was relayed to Montreal by the torch relay. Finally, a pair of young men and women ignited the main field. The Olympic flame, this is the only mission in the history of the Olympic Games to perform this glorious mission.

     Host country


     Country of participation



     twenty one


     Main stadium

     Montreal Olympic Stadium

     Host city


     Last session

     1972 Munich Olympics


     Moscow Olympics in 1980

     Holding time

     July 17 - August 1, 1976

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