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questions :Historian's explanation should be explained about the collapse of the West Roman Empire
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[Member (365WT)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2019-03-03
The ancient civilization of the Roman Empire was quite profound, and many cultures were also circulated in Rome. But the Roman Empire eventually declined. Why is this? Here is the real reason for learning the decline of the Roman Empire shared by Xiaobian, let's take a look.
An Analysis of the Real Causes of the Decline of the Roman Empire
The Western Roman Empire was constantly attacked by Northern Europe, and Rome eventually fell in 476. The last Roman emperor of the Western Roman Empire, Romulus Augustus, surrendered to the Germanic leader Odoyase. British historian Edward In the History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (1776), Gibbon believed that the Romans had fallen and lost the virtues of the citizens. Gibbon said that it is lazy and indifferent to believe that Christianity can enjoy eternal life after death. Glenn Bwoshaw K commented: "From the 18th century, we are worried about the decline of Rome: it is seen as the prototype of all known declines, and therefore becomes a symbol of our concern for ourselves.."It is still one of the biggest historical mysteries, traditionally with a large team of research scholars...
Other notable periods are the Battle of Adrian Fort in 378, the death of Theodosius I (the last political reunification of the Roman Empire) in 395, and the 406-year-old Germans in the Roman Legion when they withdrew from Italy to stop Alalik I. After the Rhine, the death of Stilico in 408, and the subsequent disintegration of the Western Roman Army, the last attempt in 565 to recover the death of Justinian I in West Rome, and the invasion of Muslims 632 years later. Many scholars insist that these changes are more suitable to be described as a complex transformation than "decline". As time goes by, there are many theories about why the Roman Empire died or whether it really died.
In the late 4th century AD, the Western hegemony’s world hegemony had collapsed after 500 years. From military defeats and heavy taxes to natural disasters and even climate change, historians attributed the collapse of the Roman Empire to a wide variety. The reason. But there are also people who argue that the other half of the Roman Empire, the Eastern Roman Empire, continued to exist as a Byzantine empire for more than a thousand years, then the Roman Empire did not decline in AD 476. Although people are still arguing about Rome. How and when the empire went down, but some theories about the decline and disintegration of the Western Roman Empire were universally recognized..Read on, here are eight reasons to tell how the most legendary empire in history is slowly declining...
First, the invasion of the barbarian tribe
The simplest and direct reason for the decline of the Western Roman Empire was that it suffered a series of military defeats against external forces. Rome fought for centuries with the Germanic tribes, but by the 4th century AD, it was like the Gothic The tribe has been invading the border of the Empire. In the late 4th century, the Romans successfully suppressed a Germanic rebellion, but in 410 the West Gothic king Allale successfully occupied the city of Rome. The next few The empire was in danger for ten years, and it was not until 455 that the "immortal city" was attacked by the Vandals. Finally, in 476, the Germanic leader Oddoak launched an uprising and dismissed the emperor. Muro Augustus.Since then, no Roman emperor has been able to maintain his rule by sending a letter from Italy. It is for this reason that many people regard 476 as the year in which the Western Roman Empire collapsed...
Second, the economic crisis and excessive dependence on slave labor
Even though the Roman Empire was invaded by external forces, it also began to collapse from the inside due to a serious financial crisis. The continuous war and uncontrolled consumption greatly weakened the national treasury, and it was more severe. Heavy taxes and inflation have intensified the gap between the rich and the poor. In order to avoid tax collectors, many wealthy people fled to the countryside and established independent fiefdoms. At the same time, the empire suffered from the shortage of labor. The Roman economy relied on slave farming. Fields, as craftsmen, and formerly the army to conquer new nations and use them as new labor.But after the centuries, when the expansion of the Empire slowly subsided, the source of slavery and other war assets on which the Roman Empire relied began to dry up. In the 5th century, the Vandals occupied the North African region and became pirates, constantly invading the Mediterranean. It disturbed the trade activities of the empire, which is undoubtedly a heavy blow to the empire. The empire economy fell apart, the output of commodities and agricultural products continued to decrease, and it slowly lost control of Europe...
Third, the rise of the Eastern Roman Empire
The fate of the Western Roman Empire was doomed in the late 3rd century AD, when the Roman Emperor Diocletian divided the Empire into two halves—the West Roman Empire was headquartered in Milan, Italy, and the Eastern Roman Empire was established in Byzantium, which was later called For Constantinople. In the short run, the split makes the empire easier to rule, but as time goes by, the two empires go further and further apart. The two empires and the two empire failed to cooperate effectively against external aggression, even the empire. Often arguing over resources and military assistance.As the barriers deepened, the Eastern Roman Empire, which is dominated by Greek, continued to accumulate wealth, while the Western Roman Empire, which was dominated by Latin, fell into the midst of an economic crisis. More importantly, the East Roman Empire was strong. The barbarian tribe turned the target of aggression to the Western Roman Empire. The Eastern Roman emperors such as Emperor Constantine ensured the military defense of Constantinople, but for many people in the Eastern Roman Empire only symbolic Italy And the city of Rome was in a state of crisis. In the 5th century AD, the political system of the Western Roman Empire finally collapsed, but the Eastern Roman Empire continued for another thousand years in another form until the 15th century. The Ottoman Empire overthrew...
4. Excessive expansion and excessive military expenditures
In its heyday, the territory of the Roman Empire spanned the Atlantic Ocean to cover the area around the Euphrates River in the Middle East, but this brilliant achievement may also be the cause of its decline. To manage such a large territory, for the administrative and logistical supply of the Empire A nightmare. Even if they have a good road system, the Romans cannot communicate in a timely and effective manner in the management of the occupied area. The Roman Empire cannot provide enough troops and resources for the front line to suppress the invasion of the local insurgency and external forces. And in the 2nd century AD, the Roman emperor Had was forced to build a famous wall in Britain, trying to block the enemy outside the bay..As more and more funds were invested in the military spending of the empire, technological development slowed down, and the Roman Empire’s people’s livelihood infrastructure fell into a deadlock...
V. Government corruption and political instability
If the vast territory of the Roman Empire makes it difficult to manage, then the ineffective and capricious leadership exacerbates the seriousness of this problem. Being the emperor of the Roman Empire has always been a very dangerous task, in turbulent 2. The 3rd century was almost equivalent to the death penalty. The civil war plunged the empire into chaos. In just 75 years, more than 20 people have been on the throne of the emperor, and their predecessors were often murdered. The Roman Guards This is the personal bodyguard of the emperor, but they have assassinated and recommended the new king as they pleased, and even some people have auctioned the throne to the highest bidder..Political chaos also affected the Roman Senate, which failed to prevent the emperors’ absurdity because of internal corruption and dereliction of duty. As the situation worsened, the pride of the Romans as citizens disappeared and many Roman citizens lost their leadership. Trust...
6. The arrival of the Xiongnu and the migration of the barbarian tribe
One of the reasons why the barbarian tribes attacked Rome was the large-scale migration of the Huns invading Europe in the late 4th century. These Eurasian soldiers were misbehaving in northern Europe, causing many Germanic tribes to migrate to the borders of the Roman Empire. The Romans were unwilling. Unwillingly allowed the Visigothic tribes to cross the southern part of the Danube to the safe country of the Roman Empire, but they suffered extremely cruel treatment. According to historian Ami Anus Malcellinus, Rome Officials even forced the hungry Goths to sell their children as slaves, just to exchange dog meat. While cruelly enslaving the Goths, the Romans also built a dangerous enemy on their borders..When the oppression became unbearable, the Goths fought and they finally defeated a Roman army and killed the Eastern Roman Emperor Valence, Romans and Barbarian tribes in the Battle of Adrian Fort in 378 AD. A short peace agreement was reached, but this armistice agreement was broken in 410, when the Gothic emperor Allah went west and occupied Rome. With the decline of the Western Roman Empire, the Vandals and Saxons and other Germanic tribes It was able to gather on the border of the Roman Empire and occupied Britain, Spain and northern Africa...
7. The spread of Christianity and the loss of traditional values
With the spread of Christianity, the Roman Empire embarked on the path of decline, and some argued that the rise of the new faith accelerated the decline of the empire. The Milan decree issued in 313 recognized the legal status of Christianity, and the latter became 380 years. The state religion. These orders ended the religious persecution that lasted for centuries, but they also erode the traditional system of Roman values. Christianity replaced the polytheistic Roman religion, which believed that the emperor had a sacred status and that Christianity would The focus has shifted from the sacredness of the nation to the only god. At the same time, the role of the pope and other church leaders in political affairs has become more important, making the rule more complicated..The 18th-century historian Edward Gibbon is the most well-known supporter of this theory, but his idea has also been widely criticized. Although the spread of Christianity may play a very small role in eroding the moral sense of Roman citizens. Most scholars believe that this effect is negligible compared to military, economic, and administrative factors...
Eight, the decline of the Roman legion
From the history of the Roman Empire, its military power has always been the leader of the ancient world. But during the decline, the composition of the once glorious Roman legion began to change. It was impossible to recruit enough soldiers from Roman citizens. Roman emperors such as Diocletian and Constantine began to hire foreign mercenaries to enrich the army. More and more Goths and other barbarians were in important positions in the army, and the Romans even began to use the Latin language. "Plass" (meaning a barbarian) replaces the word "soldier." Although these lucky Gothic soldiers are indeed brave warriors, they are not loyal to the empire, or they are not faithful to the empire..And the Gothic officers who are eager for power often rise up against the emperors of the Roman Empire. In fact, many barbarians who occupied the Roman city and overthrew the Western Roman Empire also received military award badges while serving in the Roman legion...

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