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questions :Olympic Games in ancient Greece
Visitor (31.22.*.*)[Albanian ]
Category :[History][Other][Sports][Olympic Games]
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[Member (365WT)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2019-03-08
Athens, the ancient capital city with a history of more than 5,000 years, is also the birthplace of important European ancient civilization. Among them, our current sports event originated here.
The Olympics are named after Olympia, and Olympia is the name of a village 3,32 km southwest of Athens. According to historical records, the first sports competition was held there in 767 BC. In 1936, France called on the world to re-sponsor the Olympic event with a fault of more than 2,000 years. Since the Olympic Games in the modern sense officially restored the torch, it was stipulated that before the Olympic Games, the temple of the king of the gods in the legendary village of Olympia should be - The ruins of the Temple of Zeus ignited the torch and then relayed it. At the opening ceremony of the Games, the venue was introduced to ignite the torch of the opening ceremony.

According to the old custom ~ during the sports meeting, the torch has been burning there, and must be extinguished when the closing ceremony is held.


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