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questions :static electriction
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[Member (365WT)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2019-03-21
Electrostatic is a kind of charge that is at rest or a charge that does not flow (the flowing charge forms a current). When the charge accumulates on an object or surface, it forms static electricity, and the charge is divided into positive charges and There are two kinds of negative charges, that is to say, the electrostatic phenomenon is also divided into two kinds, namely positive static electricity and negative static electricity. When positive charge is accumulated on an object, positive static electricity is formed, and when negative electric charge is accumulated on an object, it is formed. Negative static electricity, but whether it is positive static electricity or negative static electricity, when a static-charged object contacts a zero-potential object (grounded object) or an object with a potential difference, charge transfer occurs, which is the common phenomenon of spark discharge in our day..For example, in the northern winter, the weather is dry, and the human body is easy to carry static electricity. When it comes into contact with other people or metal conductors, it will discharge. People will have a sense of electric shock and can see sparks at night. This is chemical fiber clothing and human body friction. The reason for the positive static electricity. (There is basic physics knowledge, we know that the rubber rod is rubbed with the fur, the rubber rod is negatively charged, and the fur is positively charged)...
Static electricity is not static electricity, it is electricity that temporarily stays somewhere in the macro. When a person stands on a carpet or sofa, the human body voltage can be as high as 10,000 volts, and the static electricity in the rubber and plastic film industry can be as high as more than 100,000 volts.
Matter is composed of molecules, molecules are made up of atoms, atoms are composed of negatively charged electrons and positively charged protons. Under normal conditions, the number of protons of an atom is the same as the number of electrons, positive and negative balance, so external performance The phenomenon of uncharged electricity. However, the electrons surround the nucleus and leave the orbit after leaving the original atom A and invade other atoms B. The atom A has a positive charge due to the reduction of the number of electrons, called a cation; Negatively charged due to increasing the number of electrons, called anion.The reason for the imbalance of electron distribution is that the electrons are out of orbit by external force. This external force contains various energies (such as kinetic energy, potential energy, thermal energy, chemical energy, etc.). In daily life, any two objects of different materials are in contact with each other. Separation can generate static electricity. When two different objects touch each other, it will cause one object to lose some charge, such as electrons transferred to another object to make it positively charged, while another object gets some residual electrons and is negatively charged. ...
If the charge is difficult to neutralize during the separation process, the charge will accumulate and the object will be electrostatically charged. Therefore, when the object comes into contact with other objects, the separation will bring static electricity. Usually when peeling a plastic film from an object is a kind of The typical "contact separation" starts from electricity. The static electricity generated by undressing in daily life is also "contact separation". The solid, liquid and even gas will be electrostatically charged due to contact separation. This is because the gas is also composed of molecules and atoms. When the air flows, the molecules and atoms will also "contact and separate" and electrify. We all know that the friction is electrified and it is rarely heard that the contact is electrified. In essence, the frictional electrification is a contact and separation that causes positive and negative charges. Unbalanced process.Friction is a process of constant contact and separation. Therefore, frictional electrification is essentially contact separation and electrification. In daily life, all kinds of objects may generate static electricity due to movement or friction. Another common electrification is induction electrification. When a charged object approaches an uncharged object, it will induce negative and positive power at the two ends of the uncharged conductor...

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