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questions :The influence of Arabic art
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[Member (365WT)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2019-03-21
The Arab style is the so-called Orient style. The prevalence of this style began in the 19th century European colonization of Arab countries. Many painters went to the Arab countries to collect the wind, especially in Tunisia, Egypt, Algeria and other places.
The main group influenced by the Arab style is the 19th century French Academy painter. The three most famous people are Angel, Del-Léon Gérôme. Especially Jerome, it can be said that he is a representative of Orientalism. Jerome and others even got a French Orientalist painter association.
Orientalism's style is mainly characterized by color. The contrast between warm and cold colors is generally strong. Generally, there is a main color, and the opposite color to the main color will concentrate on one place to form a strong drama. The theme is the female body, and a few blacks will set off the exotic.
For example, these paintings by Jerome are typical representatives:
The reason why Orientalism is important is that this style has become the artist's own style, not limited to a style attempt or a style feature related only to the Oriental theme. The orientalist style has reached its utmost in Jerome, and has become his personal iconic style.
Similarly, there is Anger, which is also influenced by Orientalism:
Of course there is our color master Delacroix:
But after the birth of Said's post-colonial theory, Easternism in art was criticized. In particular, his book Orientalism had a great influence, and he believed that Orientalism was a stereotype that the Western world imposed on the colonies. Linda Nochlin also wrote the article "Imagined East" to criticize the stereotypes of the Near East world implied by Jerome and Delacroix's Orientalist works: mysterious, full of sensuality, uncivilized, and Western world Colonial perspective. Since then, the word orientalism has brought political meaning. Although there are still many Oriental Art Research Institutes and Oriental Art Departments in Europe, the word Oriental is politically incorrect..@Timothy Wang has said a story. He wants to name his own group of landscape photographs as Oriental. The result is a politically sensitive professor of art history. He is kindly reminded that the word politics is incorrect and eventually renamed... Big...
The object of criticism of Orientalism, the most typical one is Jerome's "Slave Market", which is a series of works:
This one should be the most criticized, living a female slave who was materialized into the dust. The figures in the picture are obviously Arabs, and the scene is also in the Arab world.
But it is worth mentioning that in addition to this Arab slave market, Jerome also has two ancient Roman slave markets:
Another example is the famous painting of Jerome, "Frini in the court", ancient Greek theme, Orientalism style:
His other "Kandalles ordered Judges to peek at his wife", the ancient Greek story, Orientalism:
From this, can we speculate that Jerome is simply like all the themes that are full of sensuality and eroticism?
Of course, as far as the Arab theme is concerned, French academic painters tend to paint some stereotypes, although many painters, including Jerome, have been to North Africa, and they all refer to photographs, which still cannot stop them from expressing them. Wanted East, a modified, non-realistic East.
But this is not difficult to understand, because the theme of the French academic painters is very limited. Many of their works are depicting ancient stories. The Arab world is in France, almost in the ancient world in France, and it is a lot of imagination. world. What is the difference between the slave market in ancient Rome and the slave market in Arabia? It can be said that the motivations revealed by the painter in these two paintings are very low.
In addition, Linda Nochlin also conducted a visual analysis of the following "Snake Snake Man", which is considered to be the existence of Jerome's use of realism to solidify the false impression of the East into reality. The ideology of Western colonialism, this painting is also the cover of Said's Orientalism:
But I still feel that this is far less than a psychoanalytic form revealed in the painting below. The insertion of the male genitalia is obvious.

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