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questions :Highlight briefly characteristics of data flow computer
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[Member (365WT)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2019-04-21
There is also no instruction counter in the data stream computer. The timing at which an instruction can be initiated depends on whether the operand is available or not. The order in which the instructions are executed in the program is determined only by the data dependencies between the instructions. Therefore, the execution of instructions in the data stream computer is performed asynchronously and concurrently. In the data stream program, since "data driving" requires each instruction to indicate the flow of its operation result, that is, the target instruction that points the operation result of this instruction as an operand. Therefore, there is only one link in the data stream program, that is, a pointer to the target instruction in each instruction.
In a data stream computer, there is no concept of variables, no state is set, data is transferred directly between instructions, and operands are directly passed as tokens of "token" or "value" rather than as "address" variables. . Therefore, the operation result does not cause side effects, nor does it change the state of the machine, and thus has the characteristics of a pure function. All data stream computers are usually closely related to the functional language.


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