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questions :Concept of sedimantary stratigraphic facies
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All answers [ 1 ]
[Member (365WT)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2019-04-21
The formation sedimentary composition is closely related to the tectonic setting, such as rock composition, structural structure, stratigraphic sequence and geological body geometry. In terms of composition, it is the degree of component sorting and concentration (maturation), volcanic material. The proportion, as well as the petrochemical and geochemical characteristics; on the sedimentary structure, it is represented by grain sorting, roundness, sphericity, layer and bedding structure; in the stratigraphic sequence and geometry, it is reflected The difference between the frequency of rhythm interaction and rotation, and the difference between regular mat shape, pointed lenticular shape and giant thick wedge.In addition, such as the thickness of the stratum, the depth of the water body, the contact relationship of the stratum, the diagenetic characteristics and the ecological combination and burial state of the fossils, etc., all reflect the speed, amplitude and contrast of the tectonic movement to a certain extent, indicating its formation. The tectonic setting. Therefore, the study of stratigraphic sedimentary composition is of great significance in clarifying the tectonic movement and evolution history of crust, and understanding the distribution of mineral resources...


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