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questions :What is a society?
Visitor (42.115.*.*)[Cambodian ]
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[Member (365WT)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2019-05-22
Society is the sum of the relationships formed by people. Human production, consumer entertainment, politics, education, etc. all belong to the category of social activities. Society refers to people who live together in a specific environment, a structure that can be maintained for a long time and cannot be separated from each other. The society is also used as adjectives to describe the people who lived in the crowd. , especially refers to the mix, which is widely used among young people).
Partially, "society" has the meaning of "companion" and the alliance of people formed for the common good. On the whole, society is a group of long-term cooperation, through development, organization and formation of groups, generally refers to the formation of small bodies in the development of human society, from small institutions to large organizations. Sometimes studying other animals can also be called "monkey society", "wolf society" and so on.
Society is a collection of individuals living together through various relationships. This relationship is called "social relationship." For example, the most important social relationships of human beings include family relationships, common culture, and traditional customs. Social relationships include between individuals. The relationship, the relationship between the individual and the collective, the relationship between the individual and the state. It also includes the relationship between the group and the group, the relationship between the group and the country. The category of the group, from small to civil organizations, to national political parties. The big society is bounded by one territory. The relationship between the individual and the state is the relationship between the individual and the big society, and the relationship between the individual and the world is the relationship between the individual and the human whole society..Society is not only made up of people, but also has material. Without a world that can be shared, there is no condition for simultaneous thinking and emotional union. Society is a human relationship and material basis and information technology is near or far, or dense. Sparse, more or less an integration...
basic concept

     The sum of people and the environment

     basic skills

     Communication; integration; orientation; inheritance; constraints

     Social type

     Primitive society, slave society, feudal society, etc.

     Core essence

     Individual, organizational form


     Sociology; political science; biology; culture

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