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questions :What is world system theor
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All answers [ 1 ]
[Member (365WT)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2019-06-19
The theory of world system is the first theory put forward by American sociologist Wallerstein. He believes that the world system is the result of the full development of the internal logic of capitalist production. Today's international affairs, state behavior and international relations are the external manifestations of this logic. The continuation of capitalism is determined by the basic causal link of its deep socio-economic structure and defines the formation of the world. This group also believes that the formation of the world system is closely related to the worldwide accumulation of capital. The system is a political structure of world-wide capital accumulation. When the original structure cannot accommodate the scale of world commodity production and surplus value distribution, conflicts between countries will occur..The rise and fall of the powers and the world war are the violent reorganization of the national interaction system...


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