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questions :linseed oil
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[Member (365WT)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2019-06-28
Flaxseed oil is made from flaxseed, which is a flax seed. It is a flax family. It is also called flax, because it is native to the East India region. When the Han Dynasty moved to the Western Regions, it brought the flax back through the Silk Road. China, mainly planted in the old Xiongnu area, is the area where the "Huren" gather. Therefore, the flaxseed is a traditional oil crop in China. The flax is divided into oil flax, oil fiber and flax and fiber flax. In China, flaxseed is mainly produced in the Songnen Plain of Changbai Mountain and Heilongjiang Province, Inner Mongolia, Liupanshan District of Ningxia, and Zhangbeikou Dam. The Inner Mongolia grassland is the most distributed, and the northeast is planted in a small amount..Although flax has anti-poverty habits, as oil flax, "cold climate, abundant soil, sufficient light" are indispensable. After thousands of years of local cultivation, it is found that the temperature difference between day and night in the northwest is balanced and fertile. The natural environment such as soil and abundant sunshine is most suitable for the cultivation of special oil crops such as flax. It is a national pollution-free belt. In the northwestern Xinjiang, Gansu, the linseed oil produced in the western part of Inner Mongolia has more than 56% oil content. The content of α-linolenic acid is much higher than other planting areas, and the activity of linseed oil is also the highest. Xinjiang, Gansu, Ningxia, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi and other places, also known as flax oil, mainly due to the ancient Han Dynasty Zhangye The Middle East is introduced to China.Cold pressed linseed oil is rich in alpha-linolenic acid, which is the most effective way to supplement linolenic acid...

Flax oil, moon oil

main ingreadient

Flax, flaxseed, hemp seed

Whether it contains preservatives


Main nutrients

A-linolenic acid, linoleic acid

Main consumption effect

Supplementing linolenic acid

people suitble

Pregnant woman, old man

Storage method

Shady, protected from light

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