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questions :What is prose
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[Member (365WT)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2019-07-05
One refers to the literary grace; the second refers to the scripture; the three-finger style.

Prose is a narrative literary genre that expresses the true feelings of the author and the flexible writing style. The term "prose" probably appeared during the Northern Song Dynasty Taiping Xingguo (December 976-November 984).

"Ci Hai" believes that since the Six Dynasties in China, in order to distinguish between verses and essays, the essays (including essays) that do not rhyme and do not rehearse are collectively referred to as "essays". Later, it refers to all literary genres except poetry.

With the development of the times, the concept of prose changes from broad to narrow and is influenced by Western culture.


Lu Xun, Zhu Ziqing, etc.

representative work

"Chao Hua Xi Jie", "Back View", etc.


Literary genre


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