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questions :Roman contribution to art
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[Member (365WT)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2019-07-30
In the 1st century AD, Rome annexed Greece, and the cultural center of the ancient world was transferred to Rome. Rome experienced the Republic period (before 509-be 30) and the Empire (pre-27-AD 476). Art is mainly prosperous in the end of the Republic and the Empire.
The Italian culture of Idalia has a great influence on Rome. The Idararias created a vault arch, with oriental-style decorative murals and realistic carvings.
The Romans conquered Greece but were culturally conquered by the Greeks and were admirers and imitations of Greek art. It also has its own unique features (more pragmatic, content is more seductive secular life, formally pursuing magnificence, emphasizing character personality). Outstanding achievements are reflected in architecture, murals, and portrait carvings.
First, the building
The most outstanding achievements of the Romans are in municipal engineering (roads, waterways, bridges, plazas, public baths, etc.). The use of triple soil as a building material, the Idariarian bond arch structure is widely used.
The Kolosim Arena is the largest oval arena in ancient Rome. The use of the voucher arch has reached its peak (three layers of overlapping arches; from the shape of the four layers, by Doria, Ioni Asian, Corinthian three-column decorative voucher arch, the fourth layer is decorated with a semi-cylindrical wall).
The Pantheon is an outstanding representative of the vaulted building. The interior is a magnificent circular hall with a dome at the top, made of brick and triple concrete. There is no window around the wall, and a circular hole with a diameter of 9 meters in the center of the roof is used for lighting.
The Arc de Triomphe was used to commemorate the victory of the battle. The Titanic Arc de Triomphe was an early straddle-style Arc de Triomphe with a chariot sculpture on top. On both sides of the door are composite patterns of Ionian and Corinthian columns. The Arch of Constantine is a three-span Arc de Triomphe, decorated with composite columns on both sides, and the pillar base and the door wall are covered with decorative reliefs (some are made up of ancient buildings).
The memorial column is a monumental building of the Roman Empire, and the Trajan Column is its masterpiece. On the top of the column is a bronze statue of Emperor Tula, with a embossed band of 23 circles around the column and more than 200 meters long, recording the history of the Roman army conquering the Dacia.

Second, carving
The portrait carving is excellent. The custom of ancestor worship, so the early portrait carving is characterized by naturalistic reality, and the artistic level is not high. At the end of the Republic, Rome conquered Greece. Due to the influence of Greek carving, Roman portraits were diverse, general and vivid. "Augustus" is influenced by the ideal style of Greece. It has the athlete's general body and heroic spirit. The face is also idealized on the basis of the similarity. During the Roman Empire, the realistic style was popular, and there was a description of personality and complex inner world. Portrait of "The Carakara" tyrant face, brow and eyes, the twisted head emphasizes the tension and violent character."The Marquee Oriole Horse Riding" has a portrait of a monarch with Stoic's philosophical thoughts. His face is philosophical thinking, and the Middle Ages were preserved, which influenced the Italian Renaissance sculptors. In the late imperial period, the portrait carving style was even more To be realistic, it shows that the typical character of the Romans at this time is: the rudeness of the external image and the high tension of the inner spirit...
The Roman relief has the characteristics of memoir and realism. The masterpiece is the relief of the Trajan column. Explain in detail the process of Emperor Trajan’s marching to conquer the Dacia. Using the scatter perspective method, it has excellent handling of the plot, the complex level, and the composition of many characters.

Third, painting
It mainly includes mosaics and murals. Little is preserved in early paintings. In the 18th century, Pompeii was excavated and retained a large number of murals, according to which the Roman murals were divided into first, second, third and fourth Pompeii styles. The first style uses color to paint architectural details; the second style is to directly depict architectural details on a flat wall, creating a more spacious space illusion with perspective, and interspersed with plot painting ("Miss Festival"); The flatness of the wall is painted with delicate still life; the fourth style combines the perspective effect with the decorative pattern, interspersed with character activities in the cumbersome and realistic scene, gorgeous color and space and dynamic, also known as " Pompeii's Baroque."

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