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questions :factors contributing to social issue
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Category :[Science][Social Sciences][society][Social Issues]
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[Member (365WT)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2019-08-15
1 Ogburn's perspective on social change and cultural imbalances.

2 There is no special content in social issues. Regardless of the social situation, the issue of causing the attention of the majority in society and requiring the collective action of the community to adjust and remedy is a social problem.

3 The social psychology school believes that social problems are not only a phenomenon that can be seen, but more importantly, a psychological state of people and a value judgment.
4 The subjective and objective criteria for social issues raised by Fuller et al. Among them, the objective criterion is that it is identifiable, its existence has a quantitative verifiable situation; the subjective standard refers to the situation in which people recognize that a certain social problem poses a threat to their values. On the basis of summarizing the definition of social problems, Sun Wen put forward his own definition. He believes that social problems are an obstacle to the common life or social progress of all or part of the society.


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