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questions :What are the Elements of the Host?
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Category :[society][Profession]
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[Member (365WT)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2019-08-27
The most important thing is Mandarin. The effect of hosting the Putonghua is not very obvious, but when playing back the video, if you don't speak Mandarin, it is very difficult to listen.
The rest is the presence of the scene and the organization of the language. The organization of the language can be downloaded by downloading the manuscript or video i.
There will be such a small situation in the wedding scene, such as the newcomer being tripped, the marriage certificate not being brought, the people who come to talk are excited to speak, the wine glass is broken, etc. You need a good ability to adapt.
The class is a theoretical thing. If you participate in 50 weddings in a row and listen carefully to you, you can also preside over the wedding, provided that you are an extrovert.


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