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questions :what is i code of conduct?
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[Member (365WT)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2019-09-02
The Code of Conduct has a variety of specific content, which can be summarized as follows:

First, do your job well.

Loyal duty, hard work, strong sense of professionalism and responsibility, love his job; faithfully perform his duties, stress work efficiency and work quality, complete work tasks on time, and must not leave the post, neglect your duties and delay work.

Second, strictly abide by social rules.

For example, civil servants must abide by the law and abide by the law, improve their compliance with laws and regulations, enforce the laws and decrees, strictly abide by discipline, and strictly abide by the secrets; if they perform official duties according to law, they must not use the law of interpretation, the law of power, or the law of smuggling.

Third, fully take into account the interests of others.
For example, civil servants must represent the state in accordance with the law, safeguard the interests of the country and the people; serve the people wholeheartedly, perform official duties in accordance with the law, serve the masses, and contribute to the society; establish a good public servant image, be a civil servant with satisfactory people; take care of the overall situation, unite and cooperate Establish a global concept, recognize the general situation, take care of the overall situation, ensure that the decree is unimpeded, and do not act in any way; unite and cooperate, dare to be responsible, do not shirk and slap; from the interests of the people, be accountable to the people, and oppose privilege and bureaucracy.

Fourth, highly agree with ideas and values.
For example, civil servants must be loyal to the motherland and be loyal to the people. Have firm beliefs and ideals, have a correct world outlook, outlook on life and values; adhere to Deng Xiaoping's theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, and uphold the party's basic line and basic principles.

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