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questions :What is a criminal case
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[Member (365WT)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2019-09-11
A criminal case refers to a criminal suspect or defendant accused of infringing on the social relationship protected by the Criminal Law. The state conducts investigation, trial and criminal sanctions (such as fines, in order to investigate the criminal responsibility of the criminal suspect or the defendant. Cases of fixed-term imprisonment, death penalty, deprivation of political rights, etc.).

On the morning of September 5, 2018, Shenzhen Longhua Court conducted a public trial of Yin, who was suspected of organizing, leading the organization of the underworld, seeking trouble, intentional injury, and opening a casino crime, against Yin, who was prosecuted by the public prosecution agency for black crimes. It is reported that this is the first criminal case involving black criminals that has been publicly tried by Longhua Court since it launched a comprehensive campaign against evil.

Criminal sanctions
Imprisonment, death penalty, deprivation of political rights, etc.


Time, space, perpetrator, relevance


3.14 Lhasa smashing case


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