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questions :What is political modernization?
Visitor (223.176.*.*)[Bengali language ]
Category :[society][Political]
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All answers [ 2 ]
[Visitor (37.111.*.*)]answers [Bengali language ]Time :2023-05-07
Political modernization refers to the development of an institutional framework that
Dealing with the demands imposed on him or raised by him
Flexible enough and strong enough to do or fix them.
This is the main goal and purpose of political modernization. That is, the government.
Must be able to perform multi-faceted tasks and responsibilities and
It is desirable to increase this capacity gradually.
So that different types of change can be analyzed within political channels.
[Member (365WT)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2019-09-12
Political modernization refers specifically to the process of "political democratization" of modern capitalist countries. Bourgeois political scientists divide the development of politics into "traditional" (ie feudal bureaucratic politics), "transitional" (between traditional and modern) and "modern". The main content of political modernization is the process of political democratization that provides mass support for the country and the establishment of a broader system of political participation. Therefore, it is actually to make partial adjustments within the scope of the capitalist political system, ultimately serving the capitalist economic development and the political interests of the bourgeoisie.

evaluation standard

Political institutionalization, etc.


Authoritative rationalization, etc.


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