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questions :Dealing with cockroaches?
Visitor (115.84.*.*)[Laotian language ]
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[Member (365WT)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2019-09-15
Use boric acid (available at pharmacies) 100g. A little milk, a small flour, sugar, stir into a dough, put it in a place where it will be smashed, it will die, very spiritual, TV station

Find a beer bottle, put some sesame oil in it (no sesame oil, edible oil can also be), rotate the bottle body, make it have oil stain on the inner wall, then apply a little white sugar on the inner wall of the bottle mouth and bottle, and finally put the bottle In the place where Xiaoqiang often appears, Xiaoqiang will steal sugar from the bottle mouth at night, and finally fall into the trap. Because there is oil in the bottle, it can't climb any more, how much is loaded. Ha, I have entered your trap and I want to deal with it. Do so many times. Xiaoqiang is naturally gone.
I tried it, I hope I can help you. Other methods are shell-driving. After smashing the waste egg shell, use a simmer to bake it to a yellow powder and then grind it into a powder. After observing the main passages that often occur, the eggshell The powder is scattered here, and the smell is repellent. (2) Boric acid sputum method. Take the appropriate amount of flour, boric acid, onion, and milk. First chop the onion and then squeeze it into juice. Add the onion juice a little. Into the mixture of the same amount of flour and boric acid, add a little milk, and knead it into small pellets with a diameter of 1 cm. Place the boric acid balls in the place where the oysters are often found. Because of the special preference for onion flavor, this meatball 蟑螂 When you smell it, you can eat it, but after you eat it, boric acid will dehydrate it and die:..
Several killing methods currently used are:
(1) Burn, kill and remove oocysts. Combine the cleaning of the stove, the kitchen, the drawer, etc., and burn its oocysts with boiling water, or burn it with fire. This is a method of cockroach often used by the masses, often repeated to reduce the density of cockroaches. , reducing its harm has a certain effect.
(2) The trapping method: using a wooden box trap, the wooden box size is 14.5*10.5*5 cm, and the sides are opened with 3.5*2.5 cm holes, each of which is equipped with a cardboard paper. 汛Funnel. Put a little bit of glutinous pasta in the wooden box, such as fresh toast. Fresh steamed steamed buns are used as bait. Every night from 10 pm to 4 am, the wooden box is placed in a place where you often move. The trapped cockroaches should be killed in time. Use the wooden box trap to pay attention to the frequent replacement of the bait to attract cockroaches.
(3) Drug killing: use the dichlorvos smoke to smoke, kill the door and window before the smoke, close the environment, you can receive certain effects. The use of 20% trichlorfon powder, scattered in the frequent activities of the cockroach, killing effect is also better. It is mixed with dichlorvos and dichlorvos. It also has a good effect of killing. It is best to use chlorpyrifos to spray it.

(4) Poison bait method: use 2% trichlorfon or dichlorvos liquid, mix in the ratio of 1:3 in the food such as chopped taro, and sprinkle in the activity place at night, you can receive a certain killing effect; Or use the commercially available cymbals to place them in places where 蟑螂 is often active, and also have a certain poisoning effect.
In addition, according to the habit of 蟑螂 啃 啃 paste, 2% phoxim or 2% acephate and other drugs are mixed in the paste, and then applied or sprayed in the place where the cockroach inhabits and enters, can receive good Insecticide effect.

Use drugs to kill cockroaches, pay attention to kitchen bowls, cutting boards, sinks, wall walls, and indoor bookcases, cabinets, drawers, floor gaps, etc. When applying drugs, special attention should be paid to prevent contaminated food. And utensils to prevent poisoning incidents

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