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[Member (365WT)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2019-09-23
The book, (Book, shū) from the 聿 曰 曰 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上

"Xu Wei·Speaking of the Preface" The history of the Yellow Emperor's history, Cangjie, made a book, according to the type of pictogram, so it is the text, and then the shape of the sound and benefit, the word is said. The book is written in the bamboo raft. The booker, as well.

1. The cost of the work: ~ Ji, ~ publication, ~ manuscript, ~ incense, ~ volume (refers to the style of the reader in the speech, composition, writing, painting, etc.). ~ angry (referring to the reader's departure from the actual habit);

2. Letter: ~ letter, ~ zha, ~ Jane, ~ letter;

3. Document: Certificate~, Description~, Hire~;

4. Words written or written: ~ method, ~ write, ~ table, ~ case, ~ painting;

5. Write an article: Big ~ special ~, 罄 bamboo difficult ~;

6. The ancient book name, the abbreviation of "Shang Shu" (also known as "Book of Classics");
7. A general term for certain forms of art: say ~, listen ~.


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