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questions :Data flow computer
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Category :[Technology][Computer Technology]
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All answers [ 1 ]
[Member (365WT)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2019-09-29
The execution of the instructions is initiated in a "data driven" manner in the data stream computer architecture. In this way, any instruction in the program can be started immediately (called ignition) as long as the required operands are all available and there are available computing resources. The result of the operation of the instruction can be used as the operand of the next instruction to drive the execution of the instruction. This is the meaning of "data driven". There is no shared data in the data flow computer model. After an instruction is executed, it is not sent to the memory for sharing, but is directly shared to the instruction that needs the result, and is used as a new operand for the next instruction. The number disappears after one use of the instruction.

according to
"data driven" approach


Computing resources can be started immediately


There is also no instruction count in the data stream computer.


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