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questions :What is enzyme?
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[Member (365WT)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2019-10-11
An enzyme is a product containing a specific biologically active ingredient obtained by microbial fermentation using animals, plants, and fungi as raw materials. In 2016, the China Bio Fermentation Industry Association issued the "Guidelines for the Classification of Enzyme Products", which divided the enzymes into edible enzymes, environmental enzymes, daily enzymes, feed enzymes and agricultural enzymes according to the application fields; It is a pure fermenting enzyme, a group of fermenting enzymes and a compound fermenting enzyme; it is divided into plant enzymes, fungi enzymes, animal enzymes and other enzymes according to the types of fermentation raw materials; it is divided into liquid enzymes, solid enzymes and semi-solid enzymes according to the product form. Edible enzymes are functional foods in Japan and Taiwan.

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Plants, animals, fungi

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