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questions :Social problem
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Category :[society][Social Issues]
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[Member (365WT)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2019-10-20
Mainly refers to the basic components or units that constitute social problems. Sociologists have different views on the components of social problems. American sociologist R.C. Fuller believes that social issues have both objective and subjective factors. The former manifests itself as one or several conditions that threaten social security; the latter manifests itself in the recognition of such harm by the majority in society and the desire to organize it to solve it.
Chinese sociologist Sun Wen also believes that social issues include two aspects. First, obstacles have occurred in the common life of the society. Second, social progress has encountered obstacles. These two aspects determine the number of people involved in social issues, or for all members of society, or for members of society. In the late 1950s, American sociologist C.W. Mills distinguished between personal troubles and public issues.
He believes that the problem of being popular in society for a while and making individuals feel deeply harmed is not necessarily a social problem. Only public issues that are beyond the personal life of the individual, related to human social life, institutions or history, threatening the values, interests or living conditions of the majority of members of society can have the conditions for social problems.


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