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questions :ring index finger meaning
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[Member (365WT)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2019-10-28
Health indicator

The ring finger can also judge a person's health!

The strength of the ring finger has a deep relationship with the overall health of a person, so the Japanese call it "medicine finger."

The ring finger is also the best in the round and healthy. People who are too long may have a tendency to have irregular life and affect their health. People who are too short, the main strength is too weak, and the spirit is weak.

The fingers are straight and unbiased, the knuckles are round and powerful, and the knuckles are refreshing, and most of the kidneys and reproductive functions are sound. The ring finger is pale, thin, and weak, and most of the kidneys and reproductive system have poor functions.
The first section of the ring finger, the strength of the representative function, the first section is too thick, easy to have endocrine imbalances; too thin people, and often the reproductive system is relatively weak. The knuckles in the first section represent the same meaning, that is, the scattered person's physical condition is poor, complete and refreshed, and the health is good.
The second section of the ring finger represents a person's strength and weakness. Since ancient times, Chinese medicine has attributed bones to "water" in the five elements, that is, it has a deep relationship with the reproductive system. Modern Western medicine also often reminds you to add calcium during pregnancy. Quality, so as not to damage your body. In the second section, people with scattered fingerprints are mostly inferior in physical fitness, and their muscles are thin and weak. When there is a grain on the edge of the second section, it is called "disease pattern", which means that the health condition at that time is not good. This phenomenon will increase or decrease its line with the health of the body.
In the second section, people who are too long are often poorly absorbed by calcium and have weak bones and teeth. If it is too pale and thin, it will have the same performance. Deviation of the fingers, people with knuckle leaks, often in addition to the weaker urinary system, but also more troubles, but also often affect the brain function, but also prone to neurasthenia, headache, insomnia and other symptoms.

The name of the ring finger is too long, that is, more than half of the third quarter of the middle finger. It is about to be flush with the middle finger. Most of the innate genetic physique is very strong, but it is easy because of the irregular life, such as drinking, staying up late, overworking, etc. Brings weakness.

The meaning of the ring worn on the ring finger: indicates that you are engaged or married.

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