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questions :Cretan civilization
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[Member (365WT)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2019-10-29
Crete is one of the birthplaces of Mediterranean civilization. Here, the Neolithic cultural relics from 10000 BC to 3300 BC were discovered here. From about 2600 BC to 1125 BC, the famous Minos emerged on the island. Culture, art, architecture and engineering were unprecedentedly prosperous, and a unified Minos dynasty was established. At the beginning of the 20th century, the remains of the Knossos Palace were also excavated in the northern part of the island, which was large in scale and closely related to the legendary maze. Concentrated on the achievements of Minos culture.It is built on the mountain, with a rectangular courtyard in the center, surrounded by the palace of the king, the queen's palace, the religious double axe palace, and the storage room, warehouse, etc. There are corridors, foyers, avenues, stairs between the buildings. It is connected with the same phase, and it is known as the "maze". Each palace and promenade is painted with magnificent murals, especially the "King of Lily" is the most famous. There is a theater in the corner, and there are ruins of royal villas and tombs nearby. There are many other monuments on the island of Crete, adding to the island's endless charm...
The palace is the greatest creation of the Cretan civilization. It is not only the political, religious and cultural center of the Minoan dynasty, but also the economic center, because there are numerous warehouses, workshops, offices that store economic files, and taxes. organ. The last completed palace in the new royal palace period is a group of multi-storey buildings surrounding the central courtyard, covering an area of 22,000 square meters. The total number of rooms in the palace hall is more than 1,500. The floors are closely connected, the corridors are complicated and the halls are scattered, and the halls are scattered. Numerous, the layout is not symmetrical, surprisingly skillful, and it is difficult for outsiders to find out, so the ancient Greek mythology is known as the "maze."
The ruins of the famous Knossos Palace are only a few kilometers away from the city of Heraklion, and the excavation of the palace site has made the city of Heraklion famous. In Greek mythology, a monarch named Minos, who dominated the Aegean Sea with a powerful navy, and established the grand palace of Knossos, opened the curtain of the splendid Cretan civilization. .
Now the site of the palace has been fully excavated and partially restored. The building is generally rectangular in shape. According to the general rule of the Minos Palace, there is no walled building around it. The whole palace is centered on a rectangular central courtyard (length 60, width 30 meters). Built in the mountains, the terrain is high in the west and low in the east. Therefore, there are two or three floors in the west building of the courtyard. There are four or five floors in the east building. From the east to the palace, the towers are towering, and the windows and doors are uneven. The landscape is ancient. The palace is rare. The west courtyard of the courtyard is mainly used for office gatherings, ceremonies and stocks. The east building is the palace, living room, school and workshop..There are stairs connecting all the floors, especially the central grand staircase on the east side of the courtyard. It has a patio to take light, three sides form a colonnade, and the stairway is wide and beautifully painted. It is known as the most outstanding monument of the palace building. The double axe hall is divided into two rooms, inside and outside, separated by folding doors and doors. Winter can be kept warm and warm in summer, showing the dexterity of Minos architecture. The Queen's Palace next to the hall is a typical Minos luxury house with inner walls painted. The frescoes of the dolphins play beautifully and elegantly. The connected rooms have bathrooms and flush toilets. This sanitary equipment is unique in ancient times..Similar to the height of the building, the murals throughout the palace are also superior works of ancient art, showing that the Cretan civilization pays attention to the characteristics of dexterity and exquisiteness, and is different from the majesty of the countries of the East...
Around 1450 BC, Greek-speaking people occupied the palace of Knossos, marking the decline of the Cretan civilization. Since then, the center of the Aegean civilization has moved to the Mycenae region of Greece.

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