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questions :Qualitative research
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Category :[Science][Other]
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All answers [ 1 ]
[Member (365WT)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2019-11-07
Qualitative research is the way researchers use to define or deal with problems. The specific purpose is to study the specific characteristics or behavior of the object in depth and further explore the reasons for its occurrence. If quantitative research solves the problem of "what is", qualitative research solves the problem of "why."

Qualitative research explores the "why" of a topic by analyzing out-of-order information, rather than "how to do it". This information includes various types of information, such as history, interview record scripts and recordings, notes, feedback forms, photos, and videos. Unlike quantitative research, it does not rely solely on statistics or numbers to draw conclusions. It also has formal research methods such as "rooted theory" and "ethnology".


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