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questions :What are the barges?
Visitor (82.114.*.*)[Albanian ]
Category :[Technology][Other]
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[Member (365WT)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2019-11-15
The barge itself has no self-propelled capacity and requires a tugboat or a cargo ship towed by a tow. Its characteristics are simple equipment, shallow draft and large cargo capacity. Barges are generally non-motorized vessels, and tugboats or towboats form a barge fleet that can sail in narrow waterways and shallow waterways, and can be grouped at any time according to cargo transportation requirements, suitable for cargo transportation between ports in the river. A few barges with additional propulsion devices are called motorized barges. Motorized barges have a certain degree of self-propelled capacity.


Generally refers to non-self-propelled cargo ships


Simple equipment, shallow draft, and large cargo capacity




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